Sustainable Exhibitions and Museums

Exhibitions on sustainability issues

We design exhibitions and exhibits that reveal interfaces to sustainability issues and focus on the acquisition of competencies by the visitors. Even exhibition topics that at first glance have nothing to do with sustainability can be reinterpreted in this way.

We bring in our experience from numerous projects: We know which challenges and opportunities need to be considered when implementing Education for Sustainable Development in museums, visitor centres and science centres so that the exhibition can trigger processes of change.

Sustainable scenography and exhibition production

In design and planning, we focus on aspects of sustainability – we support you in the realisation of your environmentally and climate-neutral exhibition.

A central instrument in this process is the integration of sustainability criteria in tendering processes. We advise on environmentally compatible materials and eco-efficient elements.

Contact us even for small-scale tasks!

Sustainability Projects

Sustainability management for museums

Museums and science centres themselves can also contribute to sustainable development – by introducing sustainability management. In a larger institution, this always involves a process of change that costs time and resources. studio klv advises museums and science centres on the introduction of sustainability management and accompanies them on their way to more sustainability in their operations.

To this end, studio klv has developed the instrument of ‘Sustainability Management in Museums’ (SMM) in collaboration with museum experts. Details can be found in our article in ICOM Voices, linked below.



Curation and conception from a sustainable perspective

  • Sustainable programming
  • Thematic framing and storytelling for sustainability
  • Museum education and education for sustainable development

Sustainable exhibition production and realisation support

  • Sparring partner for curation and conception
  • Sustainable scenography and sufficiency design
  • Design and planning with regard to circularity and climate neutrality

Strategic sustainability management

  • Sustainability strategy
  • Reporting and certification
  • Impact orientation and measurement of social impact

Operational Consulting and climate protection

  • Climate protection strategy and energy concept
  • Energy costs, ecological footprint and balancing

Contact person

Dr. Christopher Garthe
