Happy 20th anniversary, studio klv!
In 2022, we celebrated our 20th anniversary. Founded in Berlin in 2002, studio klv rapidly developed into a highly sought-after creative agency. We are grateful for the many exciting projects we could implement over the years: national and international exhibitions, museums and science centers, brand showcases and experiential venues – every single project is unique and represents something special to us. Highlighting the sensory, interactive experiences intrinsic to our customers’ varied themes and rendering the latter accessible to the general public are our top priorities. The enthusiasm instilled in visitors both young and old is our greatest reward and source of motivation.
We look forward to the next 20 years!
studio klv offers the implementation of all project phases from the first idea to the final handover. Our team of experts is specialized in project development and feasibility studies, conception, scenography and design, planning with subsequent project control as well as the overall implementation as a general contractor.
Consulting and project development
studio klv prepares concept and feasibility studies for your project, shows the different implementation possibilities and examines the project in detail with regard to its profitability and visitor potential. In close cooperation with our customers, we find the right location if required and help to evaluate it. In addition, we advise you with regard to financing possibilities and offer support in researching suitable grants or foundations and accompany you with the corresponding applications.
Service areas:
- Definition of the project / idea sketch
- Concept and feasibility studies
- Advice on funding applications and financing
- Location search and assessment
Conception and contents
In addition to positioning and theming, our work in the field of conception and scenography focuses on the development of visitor dramaturgy and guiding ideas as well as exhibition conception and content development. Among other things, we create new interactive exhibits and optimize existing ones, design exhibition media and develop conclusive guidance systems for visitors. Based on your ideas and including your input, studio klv develops concepts for exhibitions, information centres, science centres and museums.
The focus lies on the pedagogical and experience-oriented transfer of technological, (natural) scientific or cultural knowledge to a broad audience. In this way, facilities with a high affinity to the masses are created with the aim of becoming an extracurricular place of learning.
Service areas:
- Positioning and theming
- Development of visit dramaturgy and guiding idea
- Content development and exhibition conception
- Media conception and storyboarding
- Development of interactive exhibits
Design and planning
Our services in the field of urban planning and architecture range from consulting and idea design to construction, whereby we partly cooperate with landscape architects, external specialist engineers and planners. In addition to architecture and urban planning, studio klv’s range of tasks also includes the entire exhibition design and organisation. We accompany all phases of the respective project: starting with the development of new and the revision of existing exhibits, through the creation and implementation of a visual concept for exhibition graphics and signage systems, to the creation of a corporate identity.
The development, adaptation and monitoring of a uniform appearance also includes components such as material and lighting design, interior design and furnishing.
Range of services:
- Architecture and urban planning
- Exhibition design and planning in all project phases
- Development of Corporate Identity
- Graphics and control systems
- Exhibits and furniture
studio klv consists of an interdisciplinary team. Our currently 20 employees have qualifications in the following areas:
- Architecture and interior design
- Exhibition planning and conception
- Natural sciences
- Marketing and Communication
- Humanities
- Economics
- Town planning
- Cultural management
- Interaction and information design
- Graphics and web design
- Scenography
- Media design
- Project management
Get in touch with us! If you have any questions about different areas, the following employees are at your disposal:
Bernhard Kehrer
Executive Management
Lars Weitemeier
Team Assistant
Astrid Dreßel
Project Management
Jelena Blank
Head of Interaction
Nina Sperling
Nadja Kremer
Marketing and Public Relations
Sabine Huthmann
Svenja Linn
Chrysoula Chatzopoulou
Ayham Omarin
Véronique Plistermann
Ronja Schratzenstaller
Michael Buhr and Toni
Nina Rossow
Alissa Wolter
Elisa Machmer
Irina Koscheleva
Wencke Osinski
- adidas AG
Airbus Deutschland GmbH - Alfred-Wegener-Institut Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung
- AOK Bundesverband
Arte TV
Ausstellungsmanufaktur Hertzer GmbH
BDLI – Bundesverband der Deutschen Luft- und Raumfahrtindustrie e.V.
Berliner Wasserbetriebe - Bremerhavener Entwicklungsgesellschaft Alter/Neuer Hafen mbH & Co. KG
BTU Cottbus
Bundesgartenschau Koblenz 2011 GmbH
DaimlerChrysler AG
Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam
DLR – Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V.
EADS Astrium
Emanuel Lasker Gesellschaft e.V.
EPLAN Software & Service GmbH & Co. KG
ESA – European Space Agency
Expo. 02
Freundeskreis Löbbecke-Museum – Gesellschaft der Zoofreunde e.V.
Flughafen Hannover-Langenhagen GmbH
Gemeinde Bad Sassendorf
Gemeinde Goseck - Gemeinden Hülben, Erkenbrechtsweiler und Grabenstetten
Hansestadt Anklam
Hüttinger GmbH
ideea GmbH
Kreis Coesfeld
Landesamt für Denkmalpflege und Archäologie Sachsen Anhalt
Landesforschungsanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Fischerei; Rostock
Landeshauptstadt Düsseldorf
Landratsamt Schmalkalden-Meiningen - Leica Camera AG
Lufthansa AG
Luxlait Association Agricole
NABU – Naturschutzbund Deutschland e.V.
- Naturpark Barnim e.V.
Office Régional du Tourisme Sud / Luxemburg
Ökodorf Brodowin e.V.
Petri + Tiemann GmbH
Pixelpark AG
Recticel Schlafcomfort GmbH
Rittal GmbH & Co. KG - Senatsverwaltung für Bildung, Jugend und Familie
Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung
SKW Stickstoffwerke Piesteritz GmbH
Sony Netservices GmbH - Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden
Staatliche Schlösser, Burgen und Gärten Sachsen gGmbH
Stadt Hanau
Stadt Heidenheim
Stadt Kirn
Stadt Koblenz
Stadt Leipzig
Stadt Limburg
Stadt Lüdenscheid
Stadt Lüdinghausen
Stadt Papenburg
Stadt Pirmasens
Stadtentwicklungsgesellschaft Ober-Ramstadt mbh
Stadtwerke Mainz AG
Stahlberg Stiftung - Stiftung Deutsches Optisches Museum
- Stiftung Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin
- Stiftung Naturlandschaften Brandenburg
Suzuki International Europe GmbH
Themata GmbH
ThyssenKrupp AG
Warsteiner Brauerei
Ville de Dudelange / Luxemburg
Zentral- und Landesbibliothek Berlin - Zoo Leipzig GmbH