Interactive visitor centre
As part of the Regionale 2016, we prepared a concept and feasibility study for the district of Coesfeld and the city of Lüdinghausen for the joint project “WasserBurgenWelt Lüdinghausen” (“WaterCastlesWorld Lüdinghausen”), which consists of two parts.

Networking and Understanding the World of Castles
Burg Vischering, one of the most important castles in Westphalia, is to become a model project for castles and palaces in the Münsterland region. The project will be extended by the design of the landscape between Vischering Castle, the nearby Lüdinghausen Castle and the city centre of Lüdinghausen. The network of castles is thus to be presented in a way that can be experienced and illustrated outdoors. We were commissioned with the development and coordination of both sub-projects and, in cooperation with all participants, moderated and controlled the joint development process.
Project development
- Concept and feasibility study
- Analysis of economic efficiency
- Visit forecast
- Marketing and PR
- Sponsor acquisition
- Moderation of development and decision-making processes
Conception and scenography
- Positioning and thematization
- Development of visit dramaturgy and Main Idea
- Content development and exhibition concept
- Media conception and storyboarding
- Development of interactive exhibits
Design and planning
- Architecture
- Exhibition design
- Graphics and guidance systems
Project information
- Client: Kreis Coesfeld
- Execution period: since April 2011
- Exhibition area planned: approx. 2.000 sqm
Contact person

Nina Sperling