AOK travelling exhibition

Active - relaxed - healthy!

The ‘Initiative Gesundheit und Arbeit’ (‘Health and Work’, IGA) aims to show companies how a good work-life balance can be achieved.

How do we experience our daily work? Many people struggle to maintain a balance between the key components of everyday life such as work, relaxation, hobbies, family and exercise. Often, their daily routine results in permanent stress. However, a good balance between these areas is so crucial to our wellbeing and resilience. In extreme cases, their absence makes us mentally and physically ill. We redesigned the touring exhibition of the AOK. The exhibition is targeted towards companies that want to show their employees how to strike a balance between the challenges of modern professional life, sporting activities and mindful relaxation.

Bicycle versus pillow

Almost everybody feels healthier and happier in the long run if they succeed in balancing physical activity and relaxation. In the exhibition, we opted for an interactive bicycle and cosy pillows in order to visually represent these two counterparts. On a ‘bicycle ride’ through the day, you can make various decisions with positive or negative repercussions on your energy balance, which are in turn displayed on a screen. The pillows, on the other hand, represent relaxation: How restful is my sleep? How do I deal with stress? Answers and testimonials can be retrieved via QR codes.

Exhibition in modular format

Companies can book the exhibition to help their employees achieve a better work-life balance. Participants can visit the exhibition during their lunch break, for instance, or at other designated times. Everyone in the company should come to appreciate that the ability to relax during everyday work is an essential part of professional life. In so doing, the likelihood of illness can be significantly reduced. In addition to focused sports and relaxation exercises, time for family, friends and self care also plays an important role.


Conception and scenography

  • Development of dramaturgy and main idea
  • Exhibition concept
  • Exhibit development

Design and planning

  • Exhibition design and planning
  • Graphic design
  • Exhibit design

Project management and implementation

  • Realisation as general contractor
  • Project management (all phases)
  • Production supervision and cost management
  • Content management and graphic production

Project information

Client: AOK Bundesverband

Execution period: since 03/2019

Contact person

Jan Löken

Executive Management